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How to Roller Skating for Beginners? [Easy Guide]

Roller skating for beginner

Have you ever seen a person enjoying roller skating and you think you should do as well? But how could you do it without knowing its basics? It is difficult for a person to start skating without learning it. So, we bring a complete, easy guide for beginners about roller skating.

It burns calories and loses weight of a person, and also increases strength.

However, it also builds its core strength and forms your body. Above all, it will improve your heart health as well.

Before starting, you should know what is required to do roller skating. Let us explore this without getting it delayed.

Accessories Required for Roller Skating:

There are a few things that a person requires before starting roller skating. However, you can easily purchase this from any near retailer, or you can purchase it online.

Above all, you should remember what is necessary to start skating.

1. Helmet:

Bring a helmet that is specially designed for inline skating or roller skating. These helmets are better for protection and perfectly designed for skulls.

As we all know, most people fall during roller skating, sometimes breaking their head or skull. You can protect your head by wearing a helmet. However, 67% of injuries occur during roller skating learning procedures. So, you should wear a helmet when you start skating.

2. Skates:

For roller skating, you must have skates. Having skates is not enough, but they should be comfortable when you wear them or use them.

Before using them, you should know that they provide comfortable support and a perfect grip. You should consider skates that provide shock absorption and perfect grip. However, it would be best if you always buckle up your skates.

3. Knee Pad:

A knee pad will protect your knee from patellar fracture. In the beginning, you may break your knee due to a lack of knowledge.

4. Elbow Pad:

The Elbow pad plays a crucial role in protecting your ligaments and tendons. However, if you want to distribute your pressure on the elbow, you can use Elbow Pad and make yourself safe.

5. Mouth Guard:

A mouth guard is also a dental guard that protects your teeth and gums from serious injury when you fall down.

However, you have seen boxers wear this dental guard to protect them from serious injury.

Above all, if you don’t wear a mouth guard, you will hurt your teeth, and your gums will also get injured.

6. Gloves:

You should get lightweight gloves as well. By using gloves, you can save your fingers from serious injury.

How to Roller Skate for Beginners?

After knowing the required products, you need to understand how to learn roller skating as a beginner. However, learning roller skating is quite a simple and easy method. But you have to keep the following steps in mind.

How to roller skate for beginner

Step 1: Put on Your Skating Equipment:

After purchasing your skating equipment, you have to put them on before going to do skating. However, you must wear a helmet, mouth guard, knee pad, and elbow pad before wearing skating shoes.

After wearing the required things, you must know the right poster and what to do before starting skating.

Step 2: Stand in Right Poster:

At the start, no one knows the right posture to start roller skating. In this article, I am going to guide you through each and every single thing that is necessary for roller skating.

After wearing skating shoes, you need to place your shoulder wide apart and lower your back in a squatting position.

In skating, balance is the main thing; initially, you may think you fall as you move forward. It is normal, and you can even fall, but you have to keep practicing the squatting posture until you get used to it.

Step 3: Walk Like A Duck:

Before using roller skating, you must walk after wearing them. But there is a method through which you can learn to walk.

As there is no hard and fast rule, you have to touch your heels and keep yourself in a squatting posture. However, it is difficult at the start, but you can learn it quickly.

As you most probably heard that “Practice makes a man perfect,” and you have to practice as much as you can.

At the start, you may fall down and feel embarrassed but don’t worry about what people think and how they feel about you. All you need to know is that you have to learn.

Step 4: Learn Gliding:

We often hear about paragliding, but in the case of roller skating, you must know this term. Because after learning to walk using roller skating, you should know how to glide in roller skates.

You need to glide on one foot until you lose momentum. However, you can use your second foot for gliding when you have glided on one foot.

After a little gliding, you have to learn fast gliding and keep in mind that when you change gliding feet, you have to put some weight on that feet. For example, if you want to turn right, you must lean your body on the right side. When you turn left, lean your body on the left side.

Step 5: Learn To Stop:

When you learn to glide, you must learn how to stop yourself. However, it is a tough job, but I will share a perfect method to stop yourself during roller skating.

Every rollerskate has a break at the toe. The break is a rubber at the toe that will assist you whenever you want to break yourself. However, when you want to stop yourself, you must remain in a squat position and lean toward the forward direction. To stop yourself, you have to apply some force on the right skate’s top position, which will stop your body during skating.

But you must remember that when you forcefully apply the break, you will never fall down, but if you hesitate and apply the break with less force, you will fall down and lose balance.

Step 6: Learn to Skate backward:

Learning backward skating is same important as forward skating. You have to learn both types if you want to become the champion of this game. So, you have to focus on both things.

If you want to learn backward skating, you should make an inverted “v.” You have to apply pressure on the right foot and lift up the left foot. However, you can perform the same things with your left foot.

It is quite difficult to see back when you are skating in a backward position. However, you can try this by slowly turning your body backward.

Step 7: Perform Heel Toe:

Performing heel tow is not easy; you have to align the skate of one foot and slightly glide it away. When you have done this, you need to skate one foot and the toe of the other foot. You have to glide a few steps to gain momentum. However, it is difficult to start, but it is quite an easy and interesting technique.

Step 8: Try Cross-Over:

If you want to learn cross-over, you need to glide your right foot forward and cross it over from the other feet. In this way, you can easily perform cross-over. When you are going to perform a cross, you need to move your body in that direction. However, you have to remain in the squat position. This will help you to maintain your momentum, and you will not fall down on the street.

Step 9: Try Jumping:

If you want to do jumping, you must bring your skates together and jump a little distance after a few seconds. In this way, you will never fall down and will learn to jump.

When you gain confidence, you have to do a few more jumps then you will get more confidence. However, you can jump higher when you learn to jump.

You may think to enhance your skills when you learn skating, and you can do this by following a few steps below.

Step 10: Practice:

To become perfect at something, you must practice or perform it as much as possible. If you want to become a pro-level skater, you have to skate as much as possible after learning the basics; you need to learn to skate on some playground but have grass at its side because when you fall down, you can not get any injury.

Above all, you have to keep practicing until you become a perfect skater; after that, you can also try crossover and many other things.

Step 11: Challenge Yourself:

Keep challenging yourself, as giving challenge make you more perfect in skating. Although you are performing or doing practice when you challenge yourself, you can easily know your mistake.

The best way to challenge yourself is to join a skating league or team. In this way, you will get motivated when you skate or perform skating. The perfect thing you can do to learn is to join a team.

Step 12: Choose upgraded skates:

You can easily move to pro-level skating whenever you learn skating and learn the basics of skating. However, when you become familiar with them, you have to upgrade your skating shoes so that you can get more grip on your skills, and you will improve your skills as well.

Several rolling skates will assist you in skating like a pro, whatever the place is. It doesn’t matter whether you are skating indoors or outdoors or in a park. You can enjoy skating whenever you want, where you want. It depends on your level of skating or your mood.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the easiest way to learn roller skates?

The easiest way to learn roller skating is to learn on the rink. It’s quite easy and interesting to learn on a rink. Another reason to learn to skate on the rink is that you will never get injured easily. So, find the nearest rink to skate there easily.

What should beginner skaters know?

As a beginner skater, you should know the basic requirements of roller skating, and you should also know the basics of roller skating. Although it is tough, you can learn it online or hire a trainer for your training.
Is Roller Skating hard or easy?

It depends on whether you are a beginner or know some basics of roller skating. If you know about roller skating, then it is quite easy for you to learn skating. But if you are a beginner, it will become hard for you to learn roller skating as a beginner, but not as tough as you think.

Can Someone learn skating by himself?

You can learn the basics of skating, but if you hire a professional, it will become easy and comfortable for you to learn every step with some professional. In this way, you will learn within a week, but if you go for self-learning, then you may spend a lot of time learning basics only.


As learning skating is not tough as you think about it. But it may be tough when you start learning it on your behalf. So, all you need to do is follow the steps mentioned above.

Before learning, you should purchase skating accessories then you can easily learn skating on your behalf.

I have covered almost every aspect or step needed during learning, but if you have any questions regarding skating, you can ask in the comment section below. It will be very helpful for us to know your query and clear it.

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